It is not “P. C.” to be anti-war,
Or to refuse to stuff one’s face
with meat.
Quakers are not pacifists any more
By definition. It’s not like before.
These things are individual. We can cheat.
It is not “P. C.” to be anti-war.
We cannot break an invisible law.
We rubbed it out, you see. I should repeat:
Quakers are not pacifists any more.
Some are.
Some aren’t. There’s nothing we stand for.
We can have bacon, toast or Shredded Wheat.
It is not “P. C.” to be anti-war
To be vegetarian, vegan or
In any way, restrict what one may eat.
Quakers are not pacifists any more.
This, Friends, is the conclusion we must
draw –
Won’t vote on this; we might just
face defeat:
It is not “P. C.” to be anti-war.
Quakers are not pacifists any more.