Sharing Polo mints in the afternoon -
immersed in endless daydream sequences,
my heart and mind full of
distorted perceptions,
fresh emotions
and unwanted realities.
A piece of the peace of mind that I seek -
that involved you, even though
I wasn't expecting it to.
I didn't realise that the distant past
could still affect me as much
as it does.
I don't want to go back.
It's not about contact -
not any more.
It's more about answers,
I needed to resolve
some issues in my own mind,
although no-one can find
what or who
doesn't want to be found.
Yet, I have a few answers -
a few almost-answers -
possibilities -
still so many uncertainties.
Is it enough?
Is it too much?
What I found?
What I possibly found?
What I may never know?
Now, can I let go?
I had to know -
or try to know -
Now all I can do
is to whisper, "Goodbye,"
in my own mind,
and decide to let go.
If I was ever going to heal,
somehow it had to start with you -
so now I wish you well in my heart,
wherever you are -
and now I have
some clues as to that,
but I still don't know.
I never really knew
you at all.